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ADCRI Anthony Shadid Internship Program
Since 1981, over 500 students have participated in the Anthony Shadid Internship Program of the ADC Research Institute (ADCRI). Students from all over the country and the globe come to the ADC national office in Washington, D.C. each year to gain first-hand experience in non-profit work.
The Anthony Shadid Internship Program offers positions in a variety of departments so that students of all disciplines can benefit. The program educates students on issues of civil rights, Arab-American heritage, and current events in the Middle East. Students get practical training in case-handling, media relations, research, legal and media writing, educational outreach, community organizing, and office administration alongside our national office staff.

About the Internship
During the 10-week duration of the internship program, ADC interns get several opportunities to visit government and congressional offices, embassies, and other cornerstone organizations in Washington, D.C. These experiences introduce ADC interns to policy-making institutions in the D.C. area. ADC interns will also have opportunities to attend speeches, film screenings, conferences, exhibits, and cultural programs in D.C. which address world issues. Each year at the end of their program, ADC interns write and publish Intern Perspectives, in which they reflect on their experiences at ADC and the issues on which they focused.
Click here to view the “Intern Perspectives” from past years.
While the program is primarily oriented to Arab-American students, we encourage students of all ethnic backgrounds to apply. International students are eligible for the intern program, but must acquire U.S. visas that authorize employment in the U.S. if accepted. ADC cannot make these arrangements. They may be available through university programs or organizations such as the Council on International Educational Exchange (www.ciee.org). For more resources on attaining visas for internships, please call us at (202) 244-2990 during regular office hours or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Candidates must have completed at least one (1) year of college. Undergraduates, recent graduates, graduate students, and law students are all eligible for the Anthony Shadid Internship Program.
ADC membership is recommended. Student memberships are available at discounted rates.
Summer Program & Semester Internships
During the summer, up to 15 internships are available at the national office. The 10-week internships are full-time positions. We ask interns to start as soon as possible after their semester ends/starts.
Volunteer positions for course credit are available during the academic year and are arranged on a case-by-case basis.