ADC Research Institute

Take our minority business development questionnaire today. The information gathered will provide a comprehensive accounting of the Arab American business presence in the US..

About ADC Research Institute

About the Research Institute

The ADC Research Institute (ADCRI), founded in 1981 by James Abourezk, civil rights attorney and former senator from South Dakota, sponsors a wide range of programs on behalf of Arab Americans and of consequence to the wider American community. Foremost among these are public programs and initiatives in support of the constitutional and First Amendment rights of Arab Americans. ADCRI programs train Arab Americans in the exercise of their constitutional rights as citizens.

Research & Education


All over the country people are asking for materials on Arab culture, history and religion. The ADC Research Institute has a selection of resources and lesson plans put together to educate people about Arabs and Arab Americans.


ADC Research Institute has hosted hundreds of promising students and graduates. These interns have compiled "Intern Perspectives", where they discuss their valuable experience at ADC during the duration of their internship.

Minority Business

The Minority Business Development Project seeks to expand the resources available to Arab American business owners and entrepreneurs, and produce a comprehensive accounting of the Arab American business environment.

ADC Media Watch

The primary objective of the ADC-RI Media Research Project is to research, track, and document anti-Arab and Islamophobic bias in the media, public discourse, and from public officials, serving as a resource tool to highlight the prevalence of bigotry.

Anthony Shadid Internship Program

The Anthony Shadid Internship Program offers positions in a variety of departments so that students of all disciplines can benefit. The program educates students on issues of civil rights, Arab-American heritage, and current events in the Middle East. Students get practical training in case-handling, media relations, research, legal and media writing, educational outreach, community organizing, and office administration alongside our national office staff.


During the 10-week duration of the internship program, ADC interns get several opportunities to visit government and congressional offices, embassies, and other cornerstone organizations in Washington, D.C. These experiences introduce ADC interns to policy-making institutions in the D.C. area.

Minority Business Development
Project Questionnaire

The Minority Business Development Project seeks to expand the resources available to Arab American business owners and entrepreneurs, and produce a comprehensive accounting of the Arab American business environment.

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